MrMomZ Guestbook

Hope you enjoyed the site. Please sign my guestbook, your comments are always appreciated.

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October 27th 2004
06:23:53 PM
What is your name?  

Andrew Goldman

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Wife Swap

A Description of your Web Site:  

Television Show

How did you find this Web Site?  


Where are you from?  

New York

Do you have any comments?  

Are you a stay at home dad looking for a new adventure? ABC Television is looking for families to participate in its new hit show, Wife Swap. With over 12 million viewers each week, this show is quickly becoming the talk of the nation.

Each episode involves two families and a fun twist: one parent from each household swaps places for ten days to experience how other families run their lives.

If you are a two-parent family with kids above the age of five call now to be part of this groundbreaking show:

1-212-905-6059 or email:

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July 11th 2004
01:51:46 PM
What is your name?  

Wayne Griffith

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

where your pc will last an eternity

A Description of your Web Site:  

PC repair in the home, gotta keep those kids entertained

How did you find this Web Site?  

My buddy told me about it

Where are you from?  

Long Island, New York

Do you have any comments?  

Great site Dan, good sponcers, Good luck and much success it is definetly an much needed info site.

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June 2nd 2004
07:55:35 AM
What is your name?  

Jean W Ridgeway

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Box Of 64-Big Yellow Box by Crayola

A Description of your Web Site:  

To inspire personal discovery and foster growth in ourselves,our families, our communities through bright business opps and unique products that bring people together in fun and meaningful way.

How did you find this Web Site?  

Fathers Directory

Where are you from?  

Atlanta, Georgia

Do you have any comments?  

Hello....Love your site! I am a grandmother, with a son, who is raising his 3 year old daughter, Natalie. I am very active in their lives, I am always looking for helpful info I can find to help him with Natalie. He is a wonderful falther.....I am so proud of him.
Love your site.

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December 5th 2003
01:36:42 AM
What is your name?  

Katie Andrews

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

ADDR.COM Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

A Description of your Web Site:  

Professional Web Designing and Hosting solutions

How did you find this Web Site?  

Just Surfed In

Where are you from?  

Campbell, USA

Do you have any comments?  

I happened to visit your site ' ', which presents commendable information about your Resource portal dedicated to the "Stay-At-Home" Dadz. I am impressed to note that your site is dedicated towards supporting the free exchange of Childcare Advice for Dadz.

I visited quite a lot of sites, and would like to kindly recommend a professional makeover for your entire web site ( ). I work at, and would like to offer you to redesign your complete web site absolutely free of charge. You will only be asked to pay for the monthly hosting, which is only $9.95/mo. There are no other fees, and there is absolutely no risk from your end. If you are not satisfied with our work, you will not be asked to pay anything. Please let me know if you would be interested in this offer (in fact, I can't imagine why you wouldn't be). Take a look at for details. When signing-up, please indicate Katie Andrews (that's my name ) in the "How did you hear about this offer?" field.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!

With Best regards,
Katie Andrews Web Hosting & Design

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November 4th 2003
11:55:35 AM
What is your name?  

Bryan Hill

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Gaston County Dads

A Description of your Web Site:  

Bringing Stay-At-Home-Dads together in Gaston County, North Carolina.

How did you find this Web Site?  


Where are you from?  

North Carolina, USa

Do you have any comments?  

Nice site. I have been working on my own. It has forums that I would like to invite anyone to come use.

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October 24th 2002
09:22:01 PM
What is your name?  

Heather Parks

How did you find this Web Site?  

listed in the resource guide of a book I bought about stay-at-home dads

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

I think this is a really great website. It's great to know that SAHD's have good sources like this website that they can go to for advice and such.
I'm a student at IUPUI in Indianapolis. I'm doing a research project for my work and family class, in which I would love to interview part time stay at home dads, who stay home with the kids (birth-18 years old) during the day and work during the evenings. I'm looking for fathers who work alternating shifts, sharing childcare responsibilities with their spouse. I have a series of open-ended interview questions that I would like to ask, those who are interested. They include general information questions such as what age are you, education, how many kids you have and their ages. Then I ask more specific questions including how you came up with your child care arrangement, what you think of this arrangement, positives and negatives, and what kind of advice would you give to other men. If anyone could help me out and point me in the direction of people that I can interview, I would greatly appreicate it. Thanks.

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September 26th 2002
07:54:20 PM
What is your name?  

John Soll

How did you find this Web Site?  

Yahoo Search Engine

Where are you from?  

New York

Do you have any comments?  

Stay-at-home grandfather, here. I'm helping to raise my grandchildren and it has been a long time since I've been around infants. This website has been a much needed resource and I'm happy to donate a few bucks to keep it going. I also plan on using your sponsors for my holiday shopping. Where else can I find such a variety of websites for children's gifts and they are all functional.
Thanks again for all your effort and for responding back to my questions. I'll be checking back shortly for some more good advice.

September 25th 2002
07:02:56 AM
What is your name?  

David Ellis

A Description of your Web Site:  

It's not a website...just my yahoo profile

Where are you from?  

Long Island by way of Missouri

Do you have any comments?  

This is very nice, Daniel. You do know, of course, that wolf-whistling construction workers around the world are planning your demise? Personally, I wished I had a resource like this 9 1/2 years ago. I'll be sure to turn my friends onto this. See you in class.

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September 19th 2002
11:28:00 AM
What is your name?  

Dan Siegel

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

MrMomZ Childcare Advice Center

A Description of your Web Site:  

Advice for stay-at-home DadZ

Where are you from?  

New York

Do you have any comments?  

September 19, 2002
I apologize for losing many of the guestbook entries. has been having many financial and technical issues concerning this site causing lose of data and other related problems. I am working hard to keep this site running and updated. I appreciate your patience and support.

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September 19th 2002
11:19:31 AM
What is your name?  

Sharon -&- Ben

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Child Care Enterprises, Inc.

A Description of your Web Site:  

licenced preschool and child care/day care centers

Where are you from?  

Louisville, KY

Do you have any comments?  

December 26, 2000......
You have built a much needed website for fathers who want more than a site full of legal and custody resources.

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September 19th 2002
11:12:16 AM
What is your name?  

Jamie and Jeneine

Where are you from?  

New York

Do you have any comments?  

November 27, 2000......
The kids are beautiful..great site

September 19th 2002
11:10:00 AM
What is your name?  


What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Cincinnati Stay at Home Dads

A Description of your Web Site:  

Support for Stay at Home Dads Since 1998

Do you have any comments?  

March 9, 2000......
Hello, Terrific site. Saw it in the NEW YORK TIMES article AOL featured today. I look forward to spending more time at this site...keep up the terrific work!

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September 19th 2002
11:01:03 AM
What is your name?  

Tyler Jupp

Do you have any comments?  

February 24, 2000......
hey great site. I read a story in the NEW YORK TIMES and had to log on. I have been a at home dad for 3 months and this site is gonna help.

September 19th 2002
10:58:13 AM
What is your name?  

Trevors dad

How did you find this Web Site?  

Yahoo Search Engine

Do you have any comments?  

February 5, 2000.....
I'm a new dad with a 2 month old son. I just found this website am I am looking forward to seeing what it is all about.

September 19th 2002
10:47:54 AM
What is your name?  


Where are you from?  

North Carolina

Do you have any comments?  

January 16, 2000......
I love your website. Ryan is soooooo cute. I wish my brother was as sweet as Ryan. I think your website really helps dads like you who want to stay at home with their children while their wives go to work and support them, but it's good that dad's are willing to stay at home with their children, when most men would want their wives to be the ones to stay at home, so they could make the money.
c-ya, soon..keep up the great work

September 19th 2002
10:40:52 AM
What is your name?  

Bruce Keplin

Do you have any comments?  

January 3, 2000......
Nice to find out that I'm not the ONLY stay-at-home dad in the world. I thought so until I read an article in Sunday, January 2, 2000 edition of the DALLAS MORNING NEWS. It mentioned along with several others that I will be researching over the next several weeks. What a relief to find out there are others.

September 19th 2002
10:32:40 AM
What is your name?  


Do you have any comments?  

January 2, 2000......
I look forward to utilizing your site once my wife returns to work. I am officially an at-home dad to my newborn son, born on Dec. 14, 1999. I quit my job in a studio tevevision production in November to prepare for the special challenge. Thanks in advance for your information.

September 19th 2002
10:26:41 AM
What is your name?  

Susan Daly

Do you have any comments?  

December 25, 1999......Merry Christmas
I love your web page Danny. You did a great job. My husband was impressed by it also. I must is nice to see a father playing such a big part in his child's life. I also give you a tremendous amount of credit, Louise, for going to work everyday and supporting your family. The choices you both made were in the best interest for your family. It is nice to see people not care about what is considered the "norm" and doing what is best for them. G-d bless you All on this Christmas. I wish you all the best.

September 19th 2002
10:12:36 AM
What is your name?  

Julie Siegel

How did you find this Web Site?  

my brother told me about it..

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

October 22, 1999......
I am proud of you. What a great job on the site. Ryan is getting cuter by the day. Kisses all around

September 19th 2002
10:09:21 AM
What is your name?  

Wayne Dandreaux

Where are you from?  

New York

Do you have any comments?  

Hey, Dan..Love the site but I couldn't find any advice about teaching my 10 month old son, Evan, to change his own diapers?
Keep up the good work.


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