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SmartStar's Guestbook

We would like to hear from you. Please sign our guestbook. Thank you.

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September 17th 2007
01:38:31 PM


Title of your website:  


Where are you from?  


How did you know us?  


Do you have any comments?  

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November 29th 2006
12:30:38 PM


Do you have any comments?  

May 28th 2006
05:19:09 PM


Do you have any comments?  

Hi. Very nice site . Thank you.

May 20th 2006
07:17:16 PM


Title of your website:  


Where are you from?  


How did you know us?  


Do you have any comments?  

Really great website. Good job! It was very interesting reading it.

If you have a minute check out my online games site.

    Website website    
March 23rd 2005
05:17:15 AM


Title of your website:  

Women Who Believe

Where are you from?  

Lewis Center, Ohio

How did you know us?  

Through Kindered Hearts

Do you have any comments?  

After viewing your pages I would like to invite you to join our website. ALIGN="center">


After viewing your website and
seeing the wonderful cyber home
you have created we feel you would be a great
addition to our group.

Therefore, you are cordially invited to join

Women Who Believe

WWB is an internet group dedicated to women.

We are a celebration of friendship,
trust and most of all, ourselves.

Please stop by for a visit and
we hope you will consider joining us.

With Hugs,

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March 1st 2004
08:44:13 PM

Angel DeAnna

Title of your website:  

DeAnna's Place

Do you have any comments?  

Hello! Couldn't leave your beautiful website and not sign your guestbook. I've really enjoyed browsing about your lovely site! Your hardwork really shows in your pages. We would love to have you join our group of Angels at Heavens Angels. God Bless you and yours.

    Website website    
February 20th 2004
02:58:48 AM


Title of your website:  


Where are you from?  

Taoyuan, Taiwan

How did you know us?  

From Google

Do you have any comments?  

4Beautiful free nature wallpapers...
~~ o^_^o~Hi:
You'll love those desktop If you like nature and landscape......

Happy New Year!!~

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October 30th 2003
02:38:30 AM

Angel DeAnna

Title of your website:  

DeAnna's Place

Do you have any comments?  

Hello! Couldn't leave your beautiful website and not sign your guestbook. I've really enjoyed browsing about your lovely site! Your hardwork really shows in your pages. We would love to have you join our group of Angels at Heavens Angel. God Bless you and yours.

    Website website    
August 16th 2003
02:17:44 AM


Title of your website:  

DeAnna's Place

Do you have any comments?  

Hello! Couldn't leave your beautiful website and not sign your guestbook. I've really enjoyed browsing about your lovely site! Your hardwork really shows in your pages. I hope that you will come and visit me and sign my guestbook.
God Bless you and yours.

    Website website    
August 7th 2003
10:23:39 PM


Do you have any comments?  

It was so nice to have this precious visit with you. Should you have the opportunity please come and visit us...

This image is a free gift for your website.  E-mail us your website URL and banner graphic for consideration of a banner exchange with dokimos.

It is so wonderful to know the free gift of eternal life and forgiveness of all sins through trusting faith in God solely through His Son Jesus Christ.

...the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. - 1 John 1:7b

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9

Faith working by love,

    Website website    
April 18th 2003
07:29:33 PM


Title of your website:  

Chris's Crisis

Where are you from?  


How did you know us?  

just surfing

Do you have any comments?  

Great job on your website! I enjoyed it very much! Have a GREAT day!

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March 16th 2003
06:51:19 AM


Do you have any comments?  

hey nice site you got here. i enjoyed reading and looking at it. can you check my site out? i'd appreciate if the people who are reading this can check it as well. thanks for your time, and keep up the good work!

    Website website    
September 28th 2002
07:26:12 PM


Title of your website:

Do you have any comments?  

good job on your site!
We link to sites that have new information and entertainment.
Hopefully, we can exchange links!
Please visit suggest your link.

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August 13th 2002
05:36:48 AM


Title of your website:  


Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

~Greetings from doodah~
Somebody win US$ 12000 again!!!!
Do WE Drive Our GAME too Easy!!!!
You can also play for FREE.
Or winnings with real money right Now!
Good Luck in Tonight's Drawing. where Millionaires are made!
PS - Good Luck, play today!

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July 17th 2002
01:02:58 PM


Title of your website:  


Do you have any comments?  

Cool Site!

    Website website    
May 5th 2002
06:30:04 AM

Angel of Faith

Title of your website:  

Gene & carolyn's

Where are you from?  

Georgia USA

How did you know us?  

just surfing around and so glad I found You

Do you have any comments?  

What a Wonderful site You have. I have really enjoyed My visit.
If you are interested, I think your site would be
a wonderful addition to a web ring that I am a member
of..Heavens Angels..We are a group of Angels that
fly around and share our love and help...
Please come over and check Us out...

    Website website    
April 25th 2002
01:43:14 AM


Title of your website:  


Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

Hello, dear webmaster!

Would you like to promote your web site at our ranking page? If you are
interested in our page, please take a look at this page:

Thanks for your reading. May the force be with you!

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April 5th 2002
04:39:18 PM


Title of your website:

Where are you from?  


How did you know us?  

Another GB

Do you have any comments?  

I would like to invite
you to visit us at Net Buddies. Where friends from all over
world can share and grow. We have pages for teen and younger
buddies too. Our main cause is the fight against Child
Pornography. Please help us protect our children.Well Done.

The Roses are a gift for your page if you want them.

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April 3rd 2002
04:40:07 PM


Title of your website:  

Elanor's Webpage

Where are you from?  

Kaneohe, Hawaii

How did you know us?  

Web surfing.

Do you have any comments?  

Hello there! I was just surfing on the internet and I happened to stumble onto your site. It looks pretty good! You have some pretty good things on here! Keep up the great work and please feel free to stop by my site whenever you can. Aloha! ~Elanor~ :)

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March 27th 2002
12:11:16 PM


Where are you from?  


How did you know us?  


Do you have any comments?  

Since Cherished Unity and Hearts of Gold merged I wanted to stop by and meet you. So glad I did.

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