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UUU Fan Club Guestbook

NOTICE: NO "ANONYMOUS" posts allowed!

ALL entries must be accompanied by a NAME or NICKNAME and a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS. Any entries that do not include this information will be deleted from this guestbook.

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March 30th 2005
04:52:24 PM

GB Administrator


This GB is now closed.
Please go to New Guestbook

Registering for the GB:
There are two kinds of account when you register.
If you choose Local then your username is like this:
username@uuufanclub and then your password

Global accounts are just your username and password (This option is the easiest to use)

***Both are all lowercase.

If you don't know which you have contact us at If you feel that you are going to lose your username and password please email them to us and they will be stored there securely. The UUU Fab Club Site Team (Batchick, Sue, Carlee, and Jenny) all have Administrative rights to the GB - (as will the band) - so there is no need for us to use your logins anyway. It may be easier for us to store them then to have to come back to the GB and have to wait for that to send you your info.

Once you register you willl receive a confirmation email. Please make sure to follow the directions in that email to complete your registration so that you can gain full access to all the features including building your Guestbook profile.

You will also get an email box. You can access this email by clicking on EzInbbox found underneath your Name in the upper Right Hand Corner of the Screen

Email Email    

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