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Re: PETA support or not support!

umm, you need to not spout unsupported trash about PETA. just because they are a strong, opinionated organization does not make them "wacko" and HELLO? aren't you supposed to be on their side?
they are trying to end animal cruelty and if you are saying things anti-PETA, i am only going to assume that you are opposed to their ideals and are IN FAVOR of animal cruelty and exploitation.

please realize that you will find no support for your obvious pro-cruelty mindset (whether well informed or not) in a forum which advocates vegetarianism and compassion.

Re: PETA support or not support!

I feel lost. As far as I know PETA didn't do anything bad at all so what things are you reffering to when you say that they are all wack jobs?