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Re: eww im never eating turkey again!

dont be such a stupid f.ucking moron.

Re: Re: eww im never eating turkey again!

I think that there are better reasons to start being a vegetarian, as long as your sure you want to do it & arent just doing it because it seems cool, its a lot of work and If you dont fully support it you make vegetarians look bad!

Re: eww im never eating turkey again!

Oh cool, I have the same book it is awesome I am 14 and am a veg, but did it more for the animal's sake than the grossness(yes I do find it gross thoguh) I hate the sight of bacon and dead chickens) Eeeh!

Re: Re: eww im never eating turkey again!

lol any meat makes me feel sick especially those animals stuck on sticks (eeeeuuugghh)

Re: Re: Re: eww im never eating turkey again!

Me 2 and I am a veg looking 2 meet people. Any suggestions?