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ok i am never going to eat turkey again see me and my mom thawed the turkey out the wrong way and we both got sick, and now the though of turkey or any other meat makes me naseous.anyways im going vegetarian as soon as my vegetarian cookbook comes in next week. its called munchie madness and i cant wait to try it anyways happy holidays everyeone
I think that there are better reasons to start being a vegetarian, as long as your sure you want to do it & arent just doing it because it seems cool, its a lot of work and If you dont fully support it you make vegetarians look bad!
Oh cool, I have the same book it is awesome I am 14 and am a veg, but did it more for the animal's sake than the grossness(yes I do find it gross thoguh) I hate the sight of bacon and dead chickens) Eeeh!