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Re: Wanting to go Vegetarian

my family r all meat eaters too, but they try to support me. it is sometimes a tricky situation to get all my protein. this may not be the best solution, but what i do is eat a soy protein bar everyday along with peanut butter and nuts. if you're not going vgan (im not) eggs are pretty good too. good luck!

Re: Re: Wanting to go Vegetarian

I could never go Vegan... I love chocolate too much! ^___^

My mom's been making an effort to help me be a veggitarian. They were pretty skeptical when I told them I wanted to be one.

Re: Re: Re: Wanting to go Vegetarian

Try dark chocolate. It's even better than milk chocolate, and it's vegan. :)

Re: Wanting to go Vegetarian

go sign up at
everyone there will offer lots of help :)