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The Zone of Interest

The worst a movie can do is being boring.

Unfortunately, this movie is extremely slow, extremely boring and extremely simplistic. It takes one minute to understand what the director was aiming for: Show the banality of the everyday life of the family of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss in contrast to the sadistic hell happening only meters away. Ok, we get that in the first few minutes. But then it goes on and on and on. Nothing happens.

I'm sorry but this is not good movie making. This is a concept for a performance art that may be good for no more than 10 minutes. After that it's just boring and it doesn't give you anything - not informatively and not emotionally.

The bit at the end, when they show the banal cleaning of nowadays Auschwitz was completely out of place for me. It felt like a take on "Schindler's List" ending scene, only done badly.