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My first experience at an AKKI Camp in Evanston has been a memorable one for a number of reasons. Being nervous about meeting Mr. Mills and "moving" in front of him for the first time, meeting other members of our extended AKKI family and "moving" in front of them for the first time as well...and then there was the incredible adrenaline rush of testing in front of Mr. Mills and the other impressive members of the board.
What I found most surprising about the past weekend, though was the time, energy and interest that Mr. Mills has for each one of his students. EVERY SINGLE DAY (i.e. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday) Mr. Mills was there to personally go through principles and concepts, explore variations, and answer questions for myself and the other guys from was like having private seminars Mr. Mills, and I truly believe he was happy to do so. I'm not sure if there is another Grand Master of an art that would take that kind of time for his students.
I'd also like to say that the experts that have worked with Mr. Mills for so many years are a credit to him. The great patience they showed while explaining principles and techniques to us during the seminars is second only to their incredible knowledge and aptitude in the art.
Thank you Mr. Mills and a BIG thank you to all the experts that also gave of their time and energy to make the Camp this past weekend such a success.