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Totally agree with your sentiments Les. The intensity of the classes and the dedication in the teaching were outstanding. I know the amount of effort and planning that these events take and would like to say a special thanks from us all in Scotland.
A really Great week-end of tests and seminars, at the Steakfast kenpo karaté (Dublin -Ireland).
A lot of knowledge like always, and incredible last seminaire. Think that we all will remember it for a very long moment.
Happy and proud to be a member of AKKI.
And would like to thank mr Hickey, mr O'Reilly,mr Manning, mr Donnelly for all their support.
And thank to mr Mills too for his support to A.K.K.I Europe.
Congratulations to all who successfully tested at this historic first AKKI European Camp. You all did a great job and done yourselves, your instructors and Mr.Mills organisation proud. You should all wear your new rank with pride, it was a honour to witness such passion , energy and togetherness in both tests aswell as throughout the whole weekend . Now its time to look forward to the next AKKI International Bi-Annual Camp in America. The AKKI train rolls on !!
All aboard !!
Tony O Reilly
Steadfast Kenpo Karate
AKKI Ireland