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American Kenpo Karate International (AKKI) Public Forum
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Evanston Camp Schedule

Just wanted to update all of you on the camp times so far. The test will be combined Yellow to Black belt and that will start Friday at 12 pm. The rest of the camp will function as it always has in Vegas. Seminars for Friday will begin shortly after the test. The Seminars for Sat will begin at 11 am. Mr. Mills may or may not have titles for the seminars but you will know who is teaching them beforehand. He is running this camp more like he did when the camps first started. All of us just showed up knowing it would be great no matter what was taught. We were there to learn whatever he had in store for us.
As soon as more information becomes available, It will be posted here first.

For those who have not got their rooms yet at the Dunmar Inn, do so in a hurry as there is a State High School Golf tournament that weekend so it will be busy and if you wait too long. Some of you may be staying at another place.
Can't wait to see everyone there.

Re: Evanston Camp Schedule

Mr. Jacob:

Does that mean we won't see a Seminar Schedule posted on the website as we have in the past? I am just curious. A recent move prevents me from coming to the camp. But it's always interesting to see what we are missing when we can't come. If not, I encourage all of you who can go to post your insights after the camp on the forum.

Brian Jones