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American Kenpo Karate International (AKKI) Public Forum
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Re: A question to the "seasoned" students of Mr. Mills

I am not sure who of us has been with Mr. Mills the longest. As for myself i started training in Mr. Mills basement in 1984. Mark Keller and i got our Yellow belts in same test. Herbie Padigimus was a Green belt, Lori and Mickey Holgate were Blue or Green Belts. I know Mr. Mills had group from Utah of Black Belts that he worked with Frank Allsaser, Al Wood, Paul O'Bray and a few others. Thats my little history lesson for the day.
John Herman
6th Degree Black

Re: Re: A question to the "seasoned" students of Mr. Mills

Mr. Herman,
Thank You...
24 years! wow! I envy you...
Take Care,
Jason Smith

Re: Re: Re: A question to the "seasoned" students of Mr. Mills

Actually Jason i consider myself an intermediate old timer with just 24 years in. Mr Mills clicked the 42 year mark at the art this year, and he still smokes us kids!!!!!!!
John Herman

Re: Re: Re: A question to the "seasoned" students of Mr. Mills

Don't envy him Jason. For the first six years of his training, local Evanstonians questioned his ethnicity due to the black and blue palor of his face and body.

Re: Re: Re: Re: A question to the "seasoned" students of Mr. Mills

Now THAT'S funny...