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HHS Class of '59

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HHS Class of '59
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What fun this is hear news from HHS. I have been out of touch for so many years. I do go back to Munster every summer to spend time with my sister, Tam Simonetto (HHS 61).

She lets me know when she runs into someone I might know.

I moved to California 28 years ago, and live in Redlands, 80 miles inland from LA. I have owned a sign company for 12 years, (a Signs Now franchise), and have such a great crew of kids working for me that I can travel. I follow the winter weather in the Chicago area very sister calls me awful names for calling her when it's 75 in January here. We travel every February with Tom and Paula Allen from

Allen Landscape in Highland, David and Paula Nellons from Munster and Tam and her husband Joe. We only go to warm places like Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama. Those Calumet Region people are such wimps.

I have 2 great kids, Chris is a Quality Assurance Engineer for Macromedia in San Francisco, and Tamara is a planner for the City of Newport Beach. My husband of 8 years, Massood, is a landscape architect.

I majored in Jewelry Design at IU and am still at it. I have been pounding on silver for so many years, I feel like a blacksmith. I spent a month studying techniques in San Miguel

de Allende, Mexico, a few years ago. I do have a web site (a

very amateur attempt at web design) showing my


Has anyone heard anything about Lynne Buckner? Bob Steuer?

Sheila Wilson? Cynthia Solenburger? All Munster kids....Eads School.

It would be wonderful to hear from anyone. Karen Steinmetz Mahmoudi