The committee race for Prostrate Cancer on our 2 dayer will hopefully feature all the ten committee members in the 10 classes in age order (although there may be some chopping and changing along the way!).
We all hope to raise a significant amount of money for this worthy cause and we'd be grateful of your donations. We don't think betting on the drivers would be appropriate but donating an amount to a driver to give to the charity is what it's all about.
Some driver/car combinations are sorted already and the rest will be done on the day of the meeting. If I get an update I will post it on here.
Class 1, Libby/TBA.
Class 2, Lisa/Paul Hinton.
Class 3, Jeff/Martin Beaney.
Class 4, Darren/TBA.
Class 5, Shelly/Kieron Cobb.
Class 6, Paul (Banned!).
Class 7, Derek/Gary Thomas.
Class 8, John/TBA.
Class 9, Shirley/TBA.
Class 10, Neil/Darren Cornwell.
It should be a specticle that's for sure! Don't forget we will need members to carry out our jobs during the race!