We'd like to wish the following drivers the best of luck at the Men's National Championships.
This year it's being held near Tenby, West Wales on 2nd-3rd August.
Class 1 Doug Godden, Michael Hobgen
Class 2 David Farrow, Mitch Wells, Gareth Matthews
Class 3 Martin Beaney
Class 4 Wes Johnson, Steve Turley
Class 5 Kieran Cobb, Nathan Peto, Ben Shell
Class 6 Andy Russell, Chris Collier
Class 7 Billy-Jo Driver
Class 8 Paul Prior, Mark Luker
Class 9 Stuart Taylor, Steve Friend
Class 10 Darren Cornwell, Geoff Montgomerie
It will be a great weekend, enjoy it!
Look out for our chairman Derek and secretary Shelly carrying the Invicta Kent flag and Kent League flag at the opening ceremony.