Yesterday 27-11-2015 on a morning visit to Tealham I watched a friend rhyne clearing, around the machine were fifteen Grey herons and six Little egrets all taking advantage of the disturbance to pick up Frogs,Fish, Newts etc one of the Little Egrets even found a large Water Vole.The Little Egrets were more adventurous than the Grey herons snatching items very close to the cutting blade, the G Herons seemed more cautious and kept their distance.
A flock of 30 + Black-headed-Gulls were picking up worms coming to the surface as a result of machine vibration,Pied Wagtails were also members of the dining club. one male Stonechat close by.
Raven flew over Wedmore heading in the direction of Cheddar on the 24-11-2015 Sadly I have not see the pair that have been nesting at Wedmore this year.
Photos on website.