Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Torr Reservoir

I don't think I have ever known the conditions at Torr as calm as this afternoon. Not even a gentle breeze, 12C, mild but very gloomy, compounded by most of the floodlights that illuminate the Roost not working!

There was a Firecrest in the Copse which flew across the track and showed briefly in a Small Conifer approx 10 ft up. It was then lost to view.

A Crossbill flew over heading NE mid afternoon.

1W Med Gull with a large number of Black-Headed Gulls the Highlight of a smaller than anticipated Roost.

Despite patiently checking 60-70 Sparrows a few miles from the Res I was unable to locate any Tree Sparrows. Lets hope for better luck at Cary Moor in December!