Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Shapwick Heath Tower Hide

From Simon Clarke, Senior Reserve Manager

Shapwick Heath NNR is an incredibly rich site for wildlife and its extremely important that we focus our core funding on protecting the habitats and species that make the reserve special. At the same time the reserve also attracts many visitors who come to experience its atmosphere and its diversity. It's also a priority to provide good facilities to enable the public to appreciate the reserve.

We have launched an exciting new 'Crowdfunding' project to see if we can raise funds to build a new Tower Hide at Shapwick. This new hide will be situated just to the South of the south drain and will offer elevated and far reaching views over Meare Heath and 70 Acres. In addition during the bird migration in the spring and autumn it will also offer enhanced views into the 'Wader Scrape' at Meare Heath.

Details on the project and how to support it can be found by clicking on the web-site link below.

Thanks all for recent comments on the New Hide. Just to confirm that the actual hide is planned to situated on the southern /70 Acres side of the South Drain just behind the existing benches. The artist’s impression doesn’t show this, though it is very close to how it will look.

Simon Clarke

Senior Reserve Manager
Somerset National Nature Reserves
Natural England
The Avalon Marshes Centre
Shapwick Road

Tel: 01458 860120

Moderators Note:
This project is being sponsored by Somerset Ornithological Society, but individual sponsorship would be very welcome by Natural England.