Finally got to grips with the Brean Down Yellow Browed Warbler in the sycamores on the south side of the track that runs to Brean Down Farm. It would appear (from a discussion with Brian Hill) to have been around for a week or more in virtually the same group of trees. Today, in 90 minutes of waiting, it showed itself 3 times only briefly - each time high up in the top of the canopy. Annoyingly, the goldcrests with which it was associating showed far more frequently than the warbler. It survived an agile attack by a male Sparrowhawk - the only time the warbler called in the 90 mins was straight after the raptor attack. Brian Hill also had another YBW near to the fort at the end of the down today.
It was showing well but intermittently in the half an hour up to 5pm, favouring the sunny side of the tree, although finding it did prove easier when the goldcrests temporarily relocated to the scrub on the other side of track.
Showed twice this afternoon, after a 25-min wait, at 14:40 and again at 15:05 hrs. It was favouring the middle of the three trees in the second clump of sycamores, keeping high in the canopy.