Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Marsh Harriers stir at Ham Wall

Much more Marsh Harrier activity at Ham Wall today compared with my recent visits. Individuals seen from second viewing platform (twice), Tor View hide and the car park. This latter bird, a male, came quite close to the mini-ponds area which was nice for photography.

Avalon hide looking impressive. Anyone know if the windows will open to allow us to poke our optics out, or will it just be a double-glazed lounge as I am told has been built at Chew?

Re: Marsh Harriers stir at Ham Wall

Well John,

Thereby hangs a tale - surely like all birders I hope you have been instilled with the clear understanding that no-body, but no-body, sticks anything outside the front of a hide - not pointy fingers, nor sticking out long lenses.

Oh dear, here we go with a debate - well perhaps not given the moderators propensity to delete so much. But anyway, a plea - a hide is designed to disguise the outline of humans so as to not disturb wildlife.

Re: Marsh Harriers stir at Ham Wall

I was hoping to stick a few wet kippers out of the viewing blind. That way I might just get a really good Kingfisher shot. But seriously that glass thing at Chew is horrible! Don't do it!

Re: Marsh Harriers stir at Ham Wall

See the Ham Wall blog,"6 large glass windows arriving in the next week or so"!

Re: Marsh Harriers stir at Ham Wall

Interesting! Given the size of these windows, I wonder how many birds will be inadvertent collision casualties! I hope an appropriate risk assessment has been done.

Re: Marsh Harriers stir at Ham Wall

.....err that thing at Chew no longer has windows or access; it was vandalised some months back.

Re: Marsh Harriers stir at Ham Wall

Last time I saw the new hide it was still just a collection of posts so it's great to know that progress is now being made.

I can't imagine it would be designed without opening windows, that would be madness. It's not just photographers who want a clear view, people with binoculars and scopes do too. Greylake shows the right way to do it - the glass windows make it light and pleasant, but they open as needed. (Or am I making the classic error of being rational and sensible?!)