Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Black-necked Grebe?

A pedal over to Noahs yesterday (19th) produced:
2 Black terns
1 possible Black necked grebe. I was stood with two gentlemen who thought that it was. I'm not really sure. There is a bad photo on the blog but maybe an expert might just be able to tell me!

At Ham Wall:
Juvenile Marsh Harrier
2 GWEs

1 soaring Peregrine
2 GWEs. One battling a large fish.

Re: Black-necked Grebe?

Don't know about expert James but I've seen plenty - could do with another shot with the head clear of anything in the background. Do you have one?

Re: Black-necked Grebe?

No. Sadly that's as good (ahem!) as it gets.

Sorry. It's not much help!

Re: Black-necked Grebe?

Hard to tell from that shot, but size compared to the swan in the foreground, and the bill size/shape look more like great-crested.

Re: Black-necked Grebe?

Thanks anyway, James.

Agree with Simon, has a GCG feel to it but also a bill that appears quite small and possibly upturned. I wouldn’t have thought it possible to produce a half decent photo of a bird that was either a GCG or a BNG and you wouldn't be able to be sure which - but it seems you can!

Re: Black-necked Grebe?

For what its worth, to me it looks just like a 1stW (born this year) Great Crested Grebe - has their jizz.

Re: Black-necked Grebe?

Thank you all...

Don't worry Andy I'm sure I can get some more awful photos posted in good time :-)