Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Kestrel acting like a Hobby

Amazed to see a Kestrel today at Westhay catching and eating Dragonflies on the wing, just like a Hobby. Has anyone else seen this behaviour ? photo on my Flikr page . Sorry about the quality , it was a long way off.Copy and paste link below into your browser search box.

Re: Kestrel acting like a Hobby

Hi Paul,

Some excellent images on your Flickr Photostream, including the Kestrel with the dragonfly, other wildlife and a whole album of aircraft images. Great work!

I've seen Common Kestrel 'trying their talons' at insecting on many occasions, including at Shapwick Heath in previously years alongside the Hobbies in early May. Another memorable observation was one behaving in this way with a flock of 50+ Red-footed Falcons in northern Tunisia in Spring a few years ago.

Best regards,
