1 Peregrine - second calendar year (2cy) individual soared around above The Roughet and then moved off Northwards.
4 Hobbies - two 2cy individuals insecting over Noah's Lake, a third individual above the Roughet and later an adult male above Meare Heath, apparently hunting.
4-5 Kestrel - individuals hover-hunting and soaring about. Heard one juvenile calling.
2 Sparrowhawk - adult male carrying food into woodland and later a bird soaring off to the SE.
4-5 Marsh Harrier - two adult females, a juvenile and possibly two different adult males, viewable throughout the area.
12+ Common Buzzard - singles and groups of up to five hawks soaring together.
2 Great White Egret - Noah's Lake (one was colour ringed).
8 Little Egret
1 Bittern
25+ Lapwing 3 Green Sandpiper - one (in moult) flying above Noah's and later two above Meare Heath.
120 Rook - high up in a 'basket'. 1 Cuckoo - perched on dead tree on Meare Heath - hepatic form or juvenile.
2 Stock Dove
2 Cetti's Warbler 6+ Bearded Reedling - small group on Meare Heath near the 'twin benches' and later another at the edge of Northern edge of Noah's Lake.
1 Bullfinch - adult male on Meare Heath.
2 Whitethroat
2 Chiffchaff
10+ Reed Warbler
120+ Common Swift
40+ House Martin
30+ Barn Swallow
50+ Mute Swan - including one colour ringed adult roosting on Noah's Lake. Ring combination was: Right leg - Yellow Darvic colour ring inscribed in black with either 8ZJ or BZJ; Left leg - metal BTO ring.