12 May 1000-1400 on the scrape
104 black t godwits, 14 whimbrel, 1 ruff, 1 curlew sandpiper
On Noahs. 3 common terns
2 cuckoos together. On main trackE
Very short early afternoon visit in very windy conditions; just 119 Blk. Tld. G'Wits were the only waders plus a drake Teal and 4 Pochard and a dozen Mallards on the scrape.
Two Common Terns over on Ham Wall, where despite the wind 3 Bitterns in flight in 20 minutes!
I paid an early morning visit to Ham Wall and Meare Heath yesterday to kick off my monthly list and managed 55 species before 7 am. Highlights apart from the well known "celebrity" species were Spotted Flycatcher, Bullfinch and Hobby. This morning the Blackwit flock was much reduced to around 20 but a male Garganey and a Shelduck were showing on the scrape. The most notable sight though on both days were the large flocks of Swifts. Which ever way you scan at the moment there are hundreds of Swifts as far as the eye can see.
2 Drake Garganey on the scrape at 1600 this afternoon as Martin says just 20 Blk. Wits were still the only waders, the rest may have relocated to Catcott as they have been seen there in the evenings over the last week or two?