Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Green-winged Teal

The Green-winged Teal is still at Greylake according to pager messages - apparently it has been showing rather better in recent days than it did earlier in its stay.

Re: Green-winged Teal

The Green Winged Teal still showing at 2.35pm to the right of the hides.

Re: Green-winged Teal

No sign of the GWT this morning, but the 5 Ruffs (including males in splendid breeding plumage) in front of the hide, though being harassed by the Lapwings!

Re: Green-winged Teal

The GWT was present at 11:15, along with 7 Cranes, 3 Yellow Wagtails, Hobby, 2 Redshank, and numerous Reed Buntings and Reed Warbler. Singles of Sedge and Cettis in the car park in a fruitful hour