Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Catcott Reserves

Lovely morning at Catcott, singing Sedge Warbler, 2 Grasshopper Warbler, 2 Whitethroat,1 Cuckoo as well as plenty of the commoner warblers. 2 Pintail still present , 2 Redshank and a few more Lapwing than last week . Also my first Speckled Wood butterfly of the spring.

Re: Catcott Reserves

A drake Garganey at Catcott Lows this afternoon, still plenty of Teal and one pair of Shoveler. At least one brood of Greylags but difficult to count the Goslings as they are still quite small and mostly obscured by the vegetation. The only wader I could see apart from Herons and a Little Egret was a single Redshank and a few Lapwing.
At Ham Wall earlier 5 Garganey were reported at VP2 and another pair at Torr View Hide.
When the sun eventually came out there were two Hobbies hunting high over Walton Heath.

Re: Catcott Reserves

Catcott Lows Sun 1930. 18 Whimbrel dropped in and were still present at 2000hrs. 7 Dunlin only visible when in flight! 3 Redshank and many Lapwing, the water level is just right to encourage passing waders. A Garganey plus a dozen Gadwall;a few Teal and Mallard and 3 Shoveller made up the duck population,

Re: Catcott Reserves

This evening 6 whimbrel dropped in for 20 minutes around 7pm. Otherwise good numbers of lapwing and 4 redshank, who took strong exception to a passing female marsh harrier, a few gadwall and mallards, 2 drake shoveler, no visible teal. 32 adult greylags, with at least 2, probably 3 broods, but hard to count mobile goslings in long grass. All three hirundines in good numbers just after the rain stopped.

Re: Catcott Reserves

Early, in the late afternoon, a drake Garganey, female Wigeon, 2 Grt White Egrets and 5 broods of Greylags - a total of at least 40 goslings.

Re: Catcott Reserves

2 Cranes high heading N.East over the Lows at 1205 today. Just a few Whimbrel 8;3 and a 1 in 5 hours. Male Kestrel, Buzzards; Marh Harrier; 6 Hobbies together over Canada Farm Lake;
The Raven young on the Pylon nest looked in danger in the strong wind they are wing exercising now and look as though they will fledge soon and a Sedge Warbler just near the car park hide posed for photos