On 1st Aug I also saw a Hobby which was over Taunton while doing a 30 min 'see what flies over my garden' watch. The other bird of prey seen in that short time was Sparrowhawk. I saw another Hobby today 7th Aug also over Taunton as I left for work.
I was alerted to the presence of a Hobby over my Westhay garden yesterday by the calls of hirundines but the bird drifted away as they usually do. This morning by contrast another unhappy flock told me that a Hobby was around again and this time it stooped on a Swallow, chased it for 30 seconds or so and then caught it. What surprised me was that the Hobby then circled for a couple of minutes carrying the Swallow in its talons while pursued at a respectful distance by the other hirundines before drifting away.