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All Mui Fans are welcome to post, but no swearing, attacking, name-calling and please respect other people's opinions. Forum manager reserves the right to delete any messages that violate above stated principles. 所有梅迷歡迎在此留言, 交換意見, 互通消息. 請自律! 壇主保留刪除任何含有攻擊性留言的權利!

Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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Happy Chinese New Year of the Snake

Wishing all of you a Healthy and Happy New Year of the Snake.

This web site has just had its 11th year anniversary last week.
(set up date = Jan 31st, 2002 by Woodstock).

My plan is to do more translation this year, and uploading more articles about Anita as they come up.

Still hoping to keep existing fans as well as attracting new ones for years to come.

See latest additional pages uploaded (taken from the book "All the way up"):

Happy New Year and Thank you for your support over the years.

Re: Happy Chinese New Year of the Snake

Hello Beep Beep

Thank you for updating and maintaining this website for all non Chinese speaking fans.

Wishing you all the best in the Year of the Snake!

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