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Marilyn Monroe - I'm Thru' With Love

Marilyn Monroe - I'm Thru' With Love

I'm through with love
I'll never fall again
Said adieu to love
Don't ever call again
For I must love you or no one
And so I'm through with love

I've locked my heart
I'll keep my feelings there
I've stocked my heart
with icy,frigid air
And I mean to care for no one
Because I'm through with love

Why did you lead me
To think you could care?
You didn't need me
For you had your share
of slaves around you
To hound you and swear
with deep emotion and devotion to you

Goodbye to spring and all it meant to me
It can never bring the thing that used to be
For I must have you or no one
And so I'm through with love

I'm through with love

Baby I'm through with love

I' m through with love (Ho chiuso con l' amore), che in "A qualcuno piace caldo" Marilyn intonava malinconicamente, convinta di aver perduto per sempre Tony Curtis, e anche è il motivo conduttore di "Everyone says I love you"' del 1996 , distribuito in Italia con il titolo di "Tutti dicono I love you", il ventiseiesimo film come regista di Woody Allen.

Woody Allen - "I'm Thru With Love"

Woody Allen - "I'm Thru With Love"

Re: Marilyn Monroe - I'm Thru' With Love

Questo brano a differenza di quello di Nada, mi piace molto è una delizia, sia cantata da Marilyn Monroe che da Woody Allen. Bravo, ottima scelta.