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I would just like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Mills for their time and effort this past weekend. The seminars were awesome and the Christmas party was a
great time for all who attended. It gave some of the members a chance to talk and relax. Mr. and Mrs. Mills’ house and yard are truly something to
see at Christmas time, the decorations were incredible. The seminars were awesome. Mr. Mills’ in depth explanations of form 3 were electrifying to say the least. He showed Rhythmic Timing while using Broken Rhythm to accelerate the power bursts form 3 contains. He taught how the power movements in form 3 can be used to create explosive bursts within the flow of the form, and how the motion form 3 contains will enhance your knife and club motion. He explained how the form teaches knife, club techniques; also how to utilize the power bursts in various sections of the form. Mr. Mills’ movements generate unbelievable energy, one member's comment was, I can literally feel the floor shake when he moves. His explosive energy is the driving force behind the AKKI. He covered some trapping drills, and the explosive motion that needs to be applied to stay ahead of your opponent, how to eliminate hesitation, stay engaged and keep driving forward. Overall the seminars were fantastic, I am sure everyone came away with multiple things to work on. If you couldn’t make it, you will be able to catch some of it at the next camp as he will cover more of it then. The March camp will be loaded with information from Mr. Mills and many of the senior AKKI instructors. At the March camp there will be information and material taught that has been seen by very few. Do not miss the March Camp, start planning now, it promises to be an awakening. Have a great Holiday season everyone.
Well put Mr. Bybee. Thank you Mr. Mills for teaching form III I learned a lot from that seminar, It was perfect timing. Mr. Jacob had barley started teaching me Form III.