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The energy here is building. Each day the camp is closer and the lightning and thunder will be in Vegas. Man I just can not wait. I spoke with Mr. Mills the other day and he is working on some awesome material (as he always does). I would hate to be the one who misses it. I Know I will be there. Remember that it is always easy to say maybe next time. But be careful, never assume there is a next time. There is no better time than NOW. So I look forward to seeing the entire AKKI Family in a few short weeks.
Well, the schedule is out and I'm just happy that I even get to go this year. Just took a look at the seminars being offered this year and, as usual, I'm overwhelmed! I wish I could take them all! Hope to see a large showing in a few weeks. Good luck to those who are testing. I might just be joining you out there this time next year......or maybe not ;)