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Membership Application

On March 24, 2013, I mailed my membership application along with $150.00 for a life time membership to John Barella, 1514 Susan Drive,Lansdale, PA 19446 for membership in the Kitty Hawk Veterans Assoc. To date, I have not heard anything Re: this membership. Since there are no numbers to call anyone, I have to go about this situation this way. I would greatly appreciate someone helping me to resolve this issue. Thank you.

Re: Membership Application

His phone number is on the home page. Click on Officers and scroll down. He's the one without the picture.

Re: Membership Application

How about this AL! Go on the website and look under OFFICERS. Then find the membership chairman and call or email him FIRST, the numbers are right there.
Disclosure: I'm a member of the CV-63 Vets Assn, but not a officer of this organization. This is my suggestion and not an official response to this BS complaint. IMHO