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Photos from April 30, 1961

Hello, Gentlemen,
I am in possession of six 8 x 10 photos taken on the USS Kitty Hawk during the First Mass, April 30, 1961, at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. There are various shots and angles showing the assembled crew, the altar, the celebrant, and the choir who sang the music.

There is also one formal portrait of the Catholic Chaplain for the Shipyard, Lt. Paul C. Hammerl, USN.

I would like to donate them to the Navy, the Kitty Hawk, or anyone who is interested.

Please contact me - I'm looking forward to hearing from someone!

Thank you -

Elaine Leibrandt

Re: Photos from April 30, 1961

Our association has a historian whose name and e mail address is listed under officers on the home page. Get in touch with him, and maybe if the ship ever becomes a museum they can be given to the museum.