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Looking for V-1 crew members 1972-1975

I was a yellow shirt,tractor king,crash crew,looking for V-1 crew.Anyone remember Lt.Wilson,lost his legs in fly 3?

Re: Looking for V-1 crew members 1972-1975

I was in the V-2 Div waist catapults when Lt. Wilson lost his leggs but I thought he was a LCDR

Re: Looking for V-1 crew members 1972-1975

Yeah Perry,I remember Lt Wilson. Actually I thought he was a LCDR. I was a PN up in ESO at the time. Remember when he came back to visit the ship in the wheelchair?

Re: Looking for V-1 crew members 1972-1975

Hey, Perry. I remember Mr. Wilson's accident well. I worked with you in Crash & Salvage and was in a fire suit on the foul line when the incident happened. He had the bird dead on spot when he turned it but wasn't satisfied with it, ordered the blueshirts out and proceeded accross the foul line just as an F-4 hit the deck. I still see him flipping through the air. I would love to hear from you and can be contacted via