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Tons of dead animals and nothing you can do about it.

I am a voodoo priest and I have like 30 neighborhood and farm animals in my basement some alive some not. I think it is awesome and lotz of fun so I just wanna tell my opinion and stuff. I don't eat them unless they are frozen so I can have meatsicles and stuff lol its fun u shold try it, it isnt crul, the animals like it alot.

I dont think u will be brave enough to rat me out so I'll even give u the adress if u want it ( it isn't at my house that Im typin from) but u is too scared to say anything bout my dead animalz.

Re: Tons of dead animals and nothing you can do about it.

As if!

and if it is true, u r sick if it isn't, you need to get a hobby to help with your boredom.