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Any raw foodists on here?

Hey everyone! I'm just looking for vegetarian, vegan or raw foodist friends! Anyone one is welcome to contact me...I'm 15, female and have been a raw foodist for 1 year. ttyl


Re: Any raw foodists on here?

I'm not a raw foodist, but I am a vegan. I've been a vegetarian for seven years (I'm 14) and I've been a vegan for a couple weeks. Email me if you want to talk.

Re: Any raw foodists on here?

hey, ive been a vegetarian for over a year, and a vegan for over 6 months. ive made a few attempts at going raw, but with no victory. im trying to goraw a little at a time.

Re: Re: Any raw foodists on here?

sorry for sounding stupid, but what's raw exactly (I am a 14 yr. old girl) I'm becoming a vegan(is it the same thing?)