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Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

I never have,never will,will never promote it and I think it is a horrible way to completely ruin your life,your friend lives, and your families lives. It makes u a danger to everyone around you. I am a lacto-ovo not a vegan but being a vegan wouldn't change my views on smoking pot. I would talk to ur friend and tey to make her stop btw.

Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

There's no animal content so it wouldn't go against the vegan diet if that's what you're asking.

Most people at least try pot once, just make sure that you're not driving or in public to save yourself any embarassment, okay?

Re: Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

what about drinking? do vegans drink alcohol? beer? etc?

Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

I think it all just depends... If you think that drinking alcohol is ok than it is fine for u to do it. I've heard that some vegans don't drink liquor but you could and you would still be considered a vegan

Re: Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

No, you wouldn't be a pure vegan. Beer has bacteria in it.

Re: Re: Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

There is bacteria in everything. And besides, they sell vegan beer. Hard to find though.

Re: Re: Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

bacteria is an animal?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

There are some beers that aren't vegan because they use animal products in the process of making the beer. Off the top of my head I know that Miller is vegan. So is budweiser. There's an entire list online at

Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

My name is Brittany. I am a vegan and I smoke cigarettes.

Re: Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

well you dont smoke pot do you???

Re: Do vegans smoke pot?

I'm a vegetarian not a vegan yet (although I hopefully will be one very soon) and I smoke pot and cigarettes. I don't think becoming a vegan is gonna chnge either or them. I don't really see the connection between vegans and those who smoke pot.