The committee feel it's time we had some help in the preparation and running of the meetings so as it's the Junior saloons and Junior specials perpetual races this Sunday 15th July we thought it would be a good idea to involve them.
We will ask them to help on Sunday morning with the track set up which is normally done by a few on Saturday afternoon.
We'll call all the Juniors up at 0900 and with supervision we'll get them to position the cones around the track, put up the starting gates and tapes, put out the marshals water, fire extinguishers and flags and set out the start line cones.
As most are too young to assist with marshaling we will ask them to help out in the chutes during the day.
We'll fast track all the Juniors to the front of scrutineering so they can all be through before 0900. I'm sure they will enjoy it!