After lengthy discussions and debate at the AGM it was decided to have a ballot of all the Men's licence applications for 2016 as to what decision the club would use for National Qualifying drivers for 2017. This was brought about by members asking the committee why some drivers only did the National Qualifying meetings and didn't return for any club meetings.
There will be a ballot slip sent with all Men's licence applications which clearly states the 3 options and the method of voting. Whatever decision is reach will be used for the 2017 season. The 2016 season National Qualifying will be the same as previous years.
The 3 options are;
Option a).
The procedure stays the same as previous years.
Option b).
All drivers wishing to qualify must complete 50% (half) of the meetings run during 2016.
Option c).
All drivers will be given 10 points for every meeting they attend during 2016 and these points will then be added to their National Qualifying points for 2017. (These attendance points DO NOT apply to club points).