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The Kimby Fore-um
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practice practice practice

Just parted with £345 now need to paly golf othewise it's going to be an expaensive walk aorund the moors throashing at thin air and divots.

Is anyone planning any practice rounds at all? if so please let me know.

Remember I have knives in my shoes!

Re: practice practice practice

Having f***ed my shoulder snowboarding I need to find out if I can still swing a club, so would be up for some practice, otherwise it will be an expensive buggy trip - I'll be thrashing at divots anyway.

As I develop weapons for a top secret agent for a living, I'm sure I'll be able to foil your pointy shoes - I'll borrow some wine corks from the restaturant...

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Replying to:

Just parted with £345 now need to paly golf othewise it's going to be an expaensive walk aorund the moors throashing at thin air and divots.

Is anyone planning any practice rounds at all? if so please let me know.

Remember I have knives in my shoes!