Generally dull and cloudy with frequent intermittent rain. Southerly winds 2-3.
1 Merlin - juvenile located in rain perched on a fence post on Otterhampton Marshes. It remained for about 40 minutes and flew off fast and low. Located on nearby fence post about 15 minutes later but disappeared after ten minutes.
1 Peregrine - adult (female) perched on a favoured pylon.
2 Kestrel - both perched during rain on low perches.
2 Sparrowhawk - juvenile male hunting low over Otterhampton Marshes. Later a distant individual off towards Combwich flying quite high SW.
1 Barn Owl - hunting late afternoon along the southern edge of Otterhampton Marshes.
1 Great White Egret - feeding in lagoon in front of Mendip Hide.
20+ Little Egret 200+ Pied Avocet - single flock flying low above the River Parrett.
220+ Golden Plover
1200+ Dunlin
250+ Lapwing
30+ Curlew 1 Spotted Redshank - flew in and landed in front of the Viewing Screen.
25+ Redshank 1 Greenshank - out on the marshes in front of the Viewing Screen.
Teal - 2,500+ duck of at least 5 species flushed as a helicopter flew low over the marshes.
10+ Meadow Pipit
1 Kingfisher