Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Greylake hides?

Anyone have an idea when the Greylake hides will be open again?
Is it a case of a cold snap needed to kill the wasps off?

Just wondering what possible exciting birds are doing the can-can right now, unseen in front of the hides! We'll never know......

Re: Greylake hides?

Hi Carl
The hides will be open imminently. Currently the wasps are still active and we are carrying out habitat management work in the vicinity which is causing some disturbance. We will be gradually increasing water levels over the next week or two with a view to opening the hide shortly.
All quiet on the bird front but hopefully, when all the above works are completed, more birds should start to put in an appearance in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks everyone for your patience in this matter.

Re: Greylake hides?

Thank you Trish.
That's good to know!