3 Peregrine - adult male and female perched on separate pylons. Later a juvenile (male?) was seen out on the marshes and briefly mobbed a Marsh Harrier.
4 Kestrel - perched and hover-hunting.
3 Sparrowhawk - the leucistic hawk was seen hunting over the marshes before dawn. A juvenile male flew low near the Viewing Screen and a female flew high over the southern end of the marshes.
1 Marsh Harrier - a juvenile quartering the marshes was briefly mobbed by a juvenile Peregrine.
3 Common Buzzard - loafing about on low perches.
1000+ Dunlin 250+ Avocet - flying around above the River Parrett at high tide.
200+ Black-tailed Godwit 1 Spotted Redshank
20+ Redshank 2 Greenshank
85 Golden Plover
1 Grey Plover
10+ Curlew
6+ Common Snipe
250+ Lapwing
2 Raven 2000+ Redwing - moving ENE in flocks of 10 - 50 birds all morning. 85+ Fieldfare - moving ENE admixed in the flocks of Redwing.
150+ Goldfinch
200+ Linnet
40+ Skylark
30+ Meadow Pipit 4 White Wagtail