Major movement of Redwing this morning with several thousand passing ENE overhead in flocks of 20 - 300 for at least two hours.
2 (or 3?) Peregrine - perched close together on a pylon. Later one seen hunting above Steart village.
4 Kestrel - perched and hover-hunting. One mobbed by a Carrion Crow.
2 Sparrowhawk - juvenile female hunting low near Mendip Hide. Later a probable adult female soaring around high for 10 minutes. Made one unsuccessful vertical stoop at a small passerine, rose up, soared around and repeated the impressive performance and disappeared behind trees.
1 Marsh Harrier - juvenile quartering the marshes.
5 Common Buzzard - loafing about on low perches. Two (dark and medium morphs) perched on the same electricity pole.
150+ Black-tailed Godwit 1 Greenshank
5 Common Snipe
250+ Lapwing
20+ Redshank
150+ Dunlin
2 Ruff
25+ Little Egret
3 Raven c5000+ Redwing - moving high ENE in flocks of 20 - 300 birds.
1 Fieldfare - moving high ENE
80+ Goldfinch
60+ Linnet
50+ Meadow Pipit
40+ Skylark 40+ White Wagtail - in vicinity of Mendip Hide.
1 Kingfisher
1 Cetti's Warbler