Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Hooded Merganser, Hawkridge

Does anyone know much about this bird? I saw it this afternoon, a male (immature I think rather than eclipse) with no rings, all its feathers in place and looking hungry & healthy.

Is it a new arrival or has it been knocking around Hawkridge for a while?
Anyone know if it actually came from the Spaxton bird collection?
Anything else of note?


Ps. Just seen Dave and Kate's posts but think my Qs still worth asking...

Re: Hooded Merganser, Hawkridge

that is really interesting I am so glad that you have seen it aswell I thought it was a hooded merganser but wasn't sure.birding

Re: Hooded Merganser, Hawkridge

Is this bird still present? There appears to be little made of this potential American vagrant surely it must have good credentials. Just curious why everyone is writing it off.

Re: Hooded Merganser, Hawkridge

David, there's a longer thread on birdforum under the rare birds section. Quite a lot of Somerset input, take a look!

Re: Hooded Merganser, Hawkridge

Please see my comments under the thread headed "Spaxton Wildfowl Collection". I hope it helps?