One with a large group of, at least, 11 dabchicks in front of Noah's hide. A probable juv. it was not immediately obvious until it flashed its white wing bar while preening.
Again present between 10.40 & 11.30 today, in front of Noah's hide. Assuming it's the same bird originally posted by P&C Brewster on the 14/9 it's been around for at least a fortnight!
Finally had a very good view of the BN Grebe from Noah's this morning. The red eye was very clear plus a white cheek and chin. At least 3 Marsh Harriers were over the lake and disturbed the newly arrived Wigeon and scattered the Coots. Even a Bittern flew away from the area that an adult female Harrier was patrolling and crashed into the reeds in front of the hide and looked warily towards the Harrier. Still a few Swallows passing though.