Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Canada Farm

Once the fog had lifted this morning, Canada Farm was an excellent venue. Highlights were:

2 Hobbies, very active and sometimes being mobbed from the Rooks etc. Also seen in the fields to the left of the track.
Bittern 1 or maybe 2. Very close at times, frequent flights
Marsh Harrier
Sparrowhawk, again close by.
Wood Pigeon, nest building
Small flock of mainly House Martins and a few Swallows heading south
A swan that flew in when the fog was at its thickest!

Plus the usual birds, like Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Black Headed Gulls etc

and finally not a bird... but an Otter showed up. My first on the levels for sometime.

Re: Canada Farm

Hello Robin, I think you should check your website link on here as it doesn't seem to work.

Re: Canada Farm

Many thanks Jeff, it seems to be a problem with Flickr as it works sometimes! Links work when embedded in the text, but not always from the Website field within the header block

This will work ....Web Site here

however the following will not and its the same URL....

Re: Canada Farm

Maybe it doesn't work because your website link on this messageboard is http://https//

While your Flicker site is
