A Quick Round Up - Whitethroat, Wheatear, Kestrels and Peregrine
Hope no one minds but this a quick summary, with a few photo links, of my day mainly just checking out a few locations.
1. Canada Farm - Nothing!
2. Shapwick Moor (Barbara Handley Hide) - Most of the common birds given the number of feeders, Very surprised to see a female Whitethroat A Sparrowhawk made two unsuccessful attacks. Excellent views a Great Spotted Woodpecker, Pheasants, Reed Buttings, Great site for Photography.
3. Tadham Moor - At first nothing. Then 6 very active Kestrels A couple of Buzzards and a Marsh Harrier missing most of its feathers, no idea how it could fly. Then I realised that the recently cut meadows were alive with Wheatear
4. Ilminser - A low fly pass by a large Peregrine (adult female?) which headed off over Herne Hill towards Chard. My first sighting in this area for 2015 and I'm glad that it or they are still around.