Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Unifentified Large Bird

A large bird was being mobbed by gulls over larkhill this morning. Had a jizz similar to a cuckoo; very long tail (at least the length of the rest of the body) reletively short sharp wings and a very protruding head. The bird however was of simular size to the herring gulls mobbing it. It appeared dark, and the call resembled that of a grey heron, flight was not unlike a bird of prey. I assume that it must have been an escaped bird like a macaw or something as I've never seen or known of anything like it in this country.

Re: Unifentified Large Bird

Oliver a week ago Saturday(PM) a Parakeet,Parrot was over Wyndham Park in Yeovil calling quite vociferously.

Richard Eagles

Re: Unifentified Large Bird

Thanks Richard, that may be what it was then.

Re: Unifentified Large Bird

I was told today that a Macaw sp. was at Hinkley Point this morning (although I am away at the moment) it's re-capture being planned!

Re: Unifentified Large Bird

A scarlet macaw flew over my house in shapwick a couple of weeks ago. Could it have been that?

Re: Unifentified Large Bird

at large since july 3rd according to this

Re: Unifentified Large Bird

Mike Jenkins
at large since july 3rd according to this

Watched some video of scarlet macaw in-flight, looks like this is probably what I saw. Thanks.

Re: Unifentified Large Bird

Now behind bars at Tropiquaria!