Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Grey Partridge

I often find Grey Partridge a difficult bird to get to grips with on the Levels. For the second time this year I have found them in the crop fields abutting Ridgeway Lane, which is the small minor road which joins the A39 and A361 just east of Greinton. Worth a look if you are in the vicinity of the lane. Also 3 red Kite over the lane today in quick succession - all moving east.

Re: Grey Partridge

Raised and released here by local landowners for shooting purposes along with Red-legged Partridge.

Re: Grey Partridge

Sorry Steve, I don't understand your post. Where is "here" - is it on the Levels, which is the area I said I find it difficult to see Grey Partridge? Certainly "here" is not where I reported the birds from, as the 2 landowners in Greinton where I see the birds don't allow any game shooting on their land

Re: Grey Partridge

I've seen them several times since I started using that road two or three years ago, i.e. not just recently. Must be a local hot spot for them.